Price: $650
This is NOT a kit! I custom-make everything you need, to the highest possible specs with the best possible materials, right here in my own personal workshop! You will be able to use this the moment you receive it!
Terrifically funny levitation effect will tear up a crowd into hysterical nonstop laughter. Developed by Claude Needham and myself.
Looks at first as if you can't quite get it together, and you need help from two "invisible" assistants...but there's a surprise twist to the ending of this illusion that creates a powerful switch from silly to awesome.
Deceptive? Deceptive isn't the word for this tweaky levitation. Gut-busting and sudden, is more like it. If you work this on the street, you'll have a hat full of ready cash! You MUST have two assistants able to lift you or your assistant up onto a platform, box, step, something higher than the ground and you MUST have a powerful sense of balance to pull this off, because you will need to appear to lose your balance for the finish.
Watch my video to see this in action!